Research & Publications
- Talent Retention in Technical Education: A Case of Odisha (1st Ed); Lucky Publications, New Delhi; ISBN: 978-81-935461-2-3. (2018).
A Chapter in a Book:
- “Make in India Campaign- Best Practices in Manufacturing Sector”; in Be Vocal For Local- The Way Ahead (1st Ed); Astha School of Management, Bhubaneswar; ISBN: 978-93-5416-906-9 (2020.
- “Inclusive Growth and SHG: A Case Study of Women Entrepreneurship in Odisha”; in 12th Biennial Conference Papers, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII); Bookwell Publications, New Delhi; ISBN: 978-93-80574-93-6 (2017).
- “HRD Climate in Insurance Sector: A Study with Special Reference to Life Insurance Corporation of (LIC) India”; in Insurance Sector in India: Problems, Possibilities and Prospects (1st Ed); Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai; ISBN: 978-81-923066-9-8 (2015).
- “Innovative Rural Marketing Strategies: A Case Study on HUL”; in Development Strategies and Innovation Dynamics for Sustainability; AITBS Publishers India, New Delhi; ISBN: 978-93-7473-560-2 (2015).
Journal Articles:
- “Critical Review Literature on Talent Retention in Technical Education Institutions”; International Journal of Research in Social Sciences; Vol. 8 Issue 7; July 2018; pp. 29-44; ISSN: 2249-2496
- “Problems of Women Employees in Business Enterprises: A Case Study”; ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research; Vol. 8 Issue 6; June 2018; pp. 149-159; ISSN: 2231-5780
- “Study of Food Security Schemes in Odisha: A Performance Evaluation”; International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences; Vol. 6 Issue 8; August 2016; pp. 29-44; ISSN: 2249-7382
- “A study of Work-Life Balance among employees in Banking Sector with special reference to Bhubaneswar (Odisha)”; Splint International Journal of Professionals; February 2016; Volume 3; Issue 2, Page No. 86-93; ISSN: 2349-6045.
- “Executive Performance Appraisal System in Indian Organisations: A Case Study of an IT Company”; Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management; August 2015, Volume 2, Issue-8A; Page No. 793-800; e-ISSN 2348-5302, p-ISSN 2348-8875
- “Employee Engagement in Modern Organizations: A Case Study of an IT Company”; International Journal in Management and Social Science; July 2015; Volume 3; Issue 7, Page No. 233-249; ISSN: 2321-1784
- “Talent Retention in Academics: A Case Study of Management Institutes of Odisha Affiliated to BPUT”; International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review; Sep. 2014; Volume 1; Issue 6; Page No. 138-146; ISSN-2348-0653